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Key Team



Masterplan, Commercial

Rushden Lakes Shopping Centre

Stories led a masterplan strategy and vision development for Rushden Lakes, a major shopping and leisure destination adjacent to SSSI wetlands, owned by The Crown Estate.

Rushden Lakes is a highly performing Crown Estate (TCE) asset. A key point of difference is its location within more than 80 acres of SSSI reserve, operated in partnership with The Wildlife Trust. Rushden Lakes is a key employer within the town and has a large catchment area across Northamptonshire and beyond.

Working with TCE's Regional team, it was identified that a wider Placemaking Strategy was needed. Working alongside external advisors, Stories developed the following:

  • A refreshed identity statement for Rushden Lakes

  • Key placemaking principles that define Rushden Lakes offer

  • Physical and programmatic improvements to be made at Rushden Lakes and specifically within the leisure uses on site

  • An implementation plan to deliver these improvements

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